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Healthy Hair

The hair is your crowning glory so it is just fitting that you take care of it well.

To keep your hair healthy brush it daily for around 25 to 30 strokes.

Have a hot oil treatment and scalp massage one a month if you can.

Or you can use these home-made, do-it-yourself remedies.

For healthy, shiny, thick hair use Aloe Vera. Get one or two fresh sticks of aloe vera. Peel off and remove the green outer skin. Rub the gel or sap on to your scalp to condition it. Let it stay for 10 minutes then shampoo and condition as usual.

Or you can use one half cup of warm (not too hot) coconut milk (not oil). Use cotton balls to apply the coconut milk on your scalp. Then comb through your hair. Cover with a shower cap for one hour. Shampoo until oiliness is removed leaving a silky feeling on your hair.

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